
Helping you continue in the decisions you made for Christ


 2 Timothy 3:14   But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;


This program is broken into four weeks. Here is what each day will look like:

Go: Sunday is a day for church fellowship so make sure you are there! Be challenged by the message, worship through the music, and encourage others as you fellowship with them before and after the service.

Watch: Our media team has produced some thought provoking videos that will get you thinking about a specific truth from God’s Word. Each Monday make sure you “watch” the video for that week.

Read: We have compiled articles from renowned camp speakers from around the country. Men whom God has used for years to communicate His Word have contributed to our article section. On top of that, youth pastors, pastors, and some godly ladies have contributed fantastic articles that will relate to you right where you are. Be sure to pick an article or two to read every Tuesday.

Write: Each Wednesday you will write a note to encourage someone, journal your thoughts on a topic, or leave some feedback on the Continue site.

P2S: Thursday. The P2S, my personal favorite, stands for Physical to Spiritual. You will do some physical task that has little or nothing to do with serving the Lord, but it serves as a metaphor or illustration to a spiritual truth. This one is always fun.

Talk: On Friday you will meet with your mentor. I would strongly recommend meeting with your mom or dad or both. Your parents are filled with life knowledge and helpful advice. Also take time to pray with them about the decisions you have made. Ask for God’s help to remain in His will and following Him. Be sure to recite the verse you memorized for that week to your mentor.

Memorize: Each Saturday you will begin to memorize a verse of Scripture. Reciting and meditating on God’s Word is one of the best way to keep His presence constantly in mind. You will have all week to memorize this verse. Recite this verse to your mentor on Friday when you meet again.

Doing “things” should never be a replacement for a relationship with God. But hopefully these steps will keep Him constantly in front of you. Let these 30 days be an important journey forward as you draw closer to your Creator, Savior, and God.


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