Church Activities
March 17, 2020
Announcement from Pastor Harper and Deacons of Bible Baptist Church:
As everyone is well aware, the past few weeks have brought upon us a lot of concern and confusion due to the Coronavirus and its effects on our health. Various views on the severity of the pandemic (as well as the frequently changing directives given to us by our health and government officials), have caused many organizations to cancel their meetings and activities. Likewise, Bible Baptist Church has had to reevaluate its course of action in dealing with this situation.
Pastor Harper and the Deacon Board have decided that for at least two weeks from today, (or until further notice, if our closure is longer than two weeks), all services and other activities held on church grounds will be cancelled. We did not make this decision because of fear, but because of our concern for the health of our members, and because we want to maintain a good testimony in our community.
We will communicate with you as soon as we decide to resume regular activities. In the meantime, we will live stream an adult Sunday school class on Sunday at 9:00 AM, and church services at 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM. We will also live stream a Wednesday evening, adult Bible study at 7:00. We encourage you to join us for these services on our website, Face Book, or YouTube.
The AWANA program is being suspended through Spring Break. As of now, plans are to start back up April 15.
AWANA clubbers will be able to make up any missed sections in their handbook when club restarts. If you have any further questions about making up sections, please contact your AWANA director or the Commander, Steve Stump.